Monitor Centre

Monitoring portal makes your workers visible.
Our services come either fully managed or self-managed. The WelfareFirst monitoring portal provides GIS-enabled real-time visibility of your remote workers as well as a range of pre-determined alert types, priority levels, the status of live alerts, and the details of historical alerts.
With a full range of menu options (shown on the left-hand side of the screen), the user can toggle between the dashboard and various other areas within the portal, including settings, fleet data, reports and support.
Where a remote worker has not checked-in as planned and an overdue alert sequence is activated, or where the worker has activated an alert by triggering a duress, silent or panic alert through the app, these appear on the dashboard colour-coded according to priority.
Alerts are actioned by the Supervisor or Welfare Monitoring centre or escalated to emergency services for response. Alert and response sequences are fully configurable and fully auditable, delivering consistency, transparency and accountability